Virtual Journal of TISSUEHUB (VJT)

Publish with scientific reports

First VJT, then your chosen Journal

Revise your Paper

Virtual Journal of TISSUEHUB (VJT) is a Virtual Journal for peer review of your paper before submission to the main selected journal. VJT is made up of researchers from reputable universities with a high H-index and many of articles. VJT does not publish any articles and is indexed nowhere. VJT, as a virtual Journal, reviews your articles instead of the real editors and referees from the main journal you are considering. Reviewers from VJT, evaluate your paper in terms of science, writing, graphics, statistics and, etc.

Why submit to VJT?

VJT is a peer-reviewed journal reviewing scientific papers from across all areas of the sciences, medicine and engineering related to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 

How to submit to VJT?

To submit your article to V.J.T, just fill in the form at SUBMIT YOUR PAPER TO VJT >

0.3 weeks

Time to First Decision

1.3 weeks

Review Time

0.3 weeks

Report Delivery Time

what we do

  • Improving article quality
  • Editing the scientific shortcomings 
  • Reducing the chance of article rejection
  • Reducing the time of acceptance
  • Reducing the total number of rejections of researchers and professors in  journals (the high number of rejections is one of the negative points in the resume of a researcher, especially professors)
  • Save time and money (sometimes the researcher is forced to publish his article in open-access journals)

Before you begin

  • We guarantee that your manuscript content will be safe in VJT
  • Submit your manuscript as a single Word
  • If you want to check the cover letter, put the cover letter in the main file of the manuscript on the first page.
  • It takes 7-10 working days to review the article. In case of work traffic, this time increases.
  • VJT only reviews and does not guarantee the acceptance of your article. Because various factors such as novelty, quality of work, validity of data, … are effective in the acceptance of an article.
  • Once you have received your article review report, you can resubmit your article after editing your paper based on the comments. In the second revision, you will be charged just 20% of the total cost.


As a virtual and revision-based journal with no indexing, a fee (Article Processing Charge, APC) is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with the revision. This ensures your article will be immediately and permanently under revision. To start the revision, APC must be paid first along with the manuscript submission. The Article Processing Charge for VJT is:

Research Article

190 USD

Review Article

150 USD

Other Types

120 USD